Talking, Telling and Sharing Communication Framework – End of Life

Technology No.

Product Specification

The Talking, Telling and Sharing Communication Framework – End of Life is an evidence-based, theory-driven communication framework aimed at enhancing better communication, particularly around sensitive and complex issues such as death. It is based on empirical research conducted by the Family-centred cancer care (FCCC) team at Ulster University. 


Parents with incurable cancer are often uncertain how, what and when is best to tell their children about their poor prognosis and prepare them for the actual death. There is a need for health and social care professionals (HSCPs) to encourage parents to start these difficult conversations soon after receiving the poor prognosis, to avoid crisis management when the ill- parent is actively dying or throughout the immediate bereavement period. Despite parents' desire and need for support from HSCPs, this is often lacking. HSCPs feel ill-equipped, identifying a need for an evidence-based communication framework for professionals to use in practice, promoting parent-child communication at end of life. 

The framework provides a 2-step approach giving HSCPs the necessary guidance on how to initiate and progress conversations with parents who are end of life with dependent children. 

Details of Authorship

This Product was developed by researchers Professor Cherith Semple and Dr Jeffrey Hanna within School of Nursing and Paramedic Science, Ulster University. The intellectual property of this asset remains with Ulster University. 

*Please note that the Product will only be made available once the licence transaction is completed.*

Journal References

Semple CJ, McCaughan E, Smith R & Hanna JR. (2022) Parent’s with incurable cancer: ‘Nuts and bolts’ of how professionals can support parents to communicate with their dependent children. Patient Education and Counseling, 105 (3), 775-780. https:/  

Web Addresses for Author(s)

Key Word(s)

End of life 

Communication framework

Health and social care professionals

© Copyright Ulster University 2025. All Rights Reserved

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (2)
    Professor Cherith Semple
    Dr Jeffrey Hanna
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    Talking, Telling and Sharing Communication Framework – End of Life.pdf
    Additional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.
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